Friday, April 06, 2007

Chapter Two

It amazed Tom how many people could be out and about this late, in the rain. Everyone, it seemed, had something to do that just couldn't wait until morning. Even now, in the year 2007, someone wouldn't think twice about pushing you out of the way to get at the last of a product, or to be the first in line at the bank, or to flock and shove like a pack of wild animals at the grocery store to get a free sample.
He couldn't believe it was happening, yet it was, right out here on the streets in front of him. Yet, there was nothing he could do to stop it, that's not why he was out here.
Tom turned his head away from the scene of violence that had broken out in the street and continued on his way to the old Oak tree where he was sure to meet his friends and fellow members of the D.G.P.
He turned the corner and saw the old Oak, it's tall branches towering high above the others. A dim glow issued from the bottom of the tree. Tom smiled to himself as his way up the winding, tangled path towards the tree. He stepped the last few steps and shook hands with Sara and Sam, both of them looking as though they were running on a very strong coffee. They were awake and alert. Sara's voice was strong when she told Tom that they had been out here for three hours waiting fro him and that David and Daniel had gotten bored with waiting two hours ago and had gone off somewhere into the woods to hunt for some breakfast. She pointed in the direction they went off to.
"Well," Tom said, "We won't be able to find them so I think it would be a smart idea to wait here for them to get back. That way, we won't get separated and when they do get back, if they got anything, we can eat while we have the meeting."
"Good idea," Sara said.
They sat themselves under the branches of the tree out of the rain and waited for the hunting twins to return.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Last of the Giants:Chapter One

Rain lashed the window of Tom's second story bedroom. It was nearing midnight but he could not seem to find sleep.
A light was on at the small desk where he worked, reading what seemed like endless stacks of papers, most of which were on the D.G.P.
The Division of Giant Protection had been founded by Tom five years ago. The group consisted of five people, all of whom Tom had known from a privet school he had attended.
There was Tom, the leader of the division, who's knowlage of the Giants was unbelievably vast and accurate.
Then Sara, the vice president of the team. Her knowlage of science was totaly unheard of. She could spit out the entire Periodic Table of elements so fast it would make your head so numb you couldn't speak.
Then there was Sam, who's expertise landed in the category of explosives and ammunition. He could smell gunpowder from a mile away and spot a discharged shell from laying fifty feet away.
Last but not least, the twins, David and Daniel, who's traps, snares, and arrow reached far beyond that of the hunter's.
Tom looked up from his work and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost two now. They almost always went out about this time. The Giants didn't like to come out during the day so they were almost always nocturnal. "Well," Tom thought, "the others should be up by now."
They had made plans earlier in the night to meet back under the big old Oak tree they called their meeting spot.
He got up from the table, opened the door and, grabbing his coat and gun, went out the door.

The Last of The Giants (Intro)

There was once a land known as Gigantum that was full of Giants. Now, hunters have been killing the Giants for their worth in gold.
Tom Henington is a Scientist and reseacher of the Giants. He got mad that the Gigantum wilderness officials were allowing the poaching to continue even though the Giants are now extremely endangered.
Tom formed a group known as the D.G.P (division of Giant Protection) and is now hunting the hunters. He and the team of four other people travel the lands, putting a stop to the poachers and are slowly starting to bring the Giant population back up to normal. This is their story.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hi everyone. I created this blog to let some of my written work get out into the public eye a little more. If you have read My World, you already know what's going on. But if you have not, (shame on you!) Here's what I'm doing.

Every week, I will add a chapter from my one of books

Now, every once in a while, I will leave a clue in one of the posts and readers out there can try and guess what's going to happen later in the story. They can then leave a comment with their guess. The first book will be.... The Last of the Giants. Enjoy!